27-30 October 2008 ASCOBANS in recently opened Ozeaneum in Stralsund

ASCOBANS was invited by the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) to man a joint information booth at the Ozeaneum from 27-30 October 2008. This exhibition presenting cetacean-related conservation work was set up in line with the autumn vacation activities of the Ozeaneum, which attract more than 4.000 visitors a day. Such joint endeavours illustrate the growing collaboration between IFAW and the CMS Secretariat, a partnership that has also greatly benefited ASCOBANS.

The Ozeaneum, opened in July 2008, is an extension of the German Oceanographic Museum in Stralsund. It's one of Europe's biggest institutions for marine science and fascinates people with breathtaking aquariums showing the marine ecosystems of the Baltic and North Seas and the adjacent Atlantic. The Ozeaneum aims to make marine oceanography and species interactions easily accessible for different target groups and offers information about climate change, over-fishing and marine pollution. The "Giants of the Seas" exhibition sports life-size models of cetaceans and illustrates their biology and threats facing these unique animals.

The participation of ASCOBANS in this information week was highly successful. Visitors and staff alike took a profound interest in the approach ASCOBANS takes in international conservation measures. Information material and personal discussions helped to illustrate ASCOBANS' work and to inform people on progress implementing the programme of work agreed by the Parties.

Last updated on 25 March 2014

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