31 March - 3 April 2008 UPDATE: 39 Delegates came to Bonn for AC 15

The ASCOBANS Advisory Committee held its 15th meeting from 31 March - 3 April 2008 at the Secretariat's premises, the historical high-rise building Langer Eugen in the city of Bonn, Germany. All ten member states to the Agreement were represented at the meeting, as well as two intergovernmental and five non-governmental organisations and two invited experts, who presented to the delegates on relevant EC legislation and underwater noise, respectively. A report of the meeting will be made available on this website shortly. The ASCOBANS Advisory Committee provides advice and information to the Secretariat and the Parties between the sessions of the decision-making body of the Agreement, the Meeting of Parties (MOP), thereby facilitating the implementation of the Agreement.

Last updated on 25 March 2014

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