ASCOBANS Jastarnia Group met at Hel Marine Station, Poland

1 March 2010 - Upon the kind invitation of the Polish Ministry of Environment, the ASCOBANS Jastarnia Group gathered for its 6th meeting in Hel, Poland. This working group was established to take forward the implementation of the Recovery Plan for the Baltic Harbour Porpoise (also called Jastarnia Plan). 22 participants from the environment and fisheries sectors met at the Hel Marine Station near Gdynia.
Under the chairmanship of Mr Rüdiger Strempel the Group considered the progress made with respect to the various recommendations of the Jastarnia Plan and agreed on recommendations to be forwarded to the ASCOBANS Advisory Committee. These cover topics such as the support of the SAMBAH Project (Static Acoustic Monitoring of the Baltic Harbour Porpoise), bycatch reduction, research priorities, awareness-raising and cooperation with the fisheries sector and HELCOM. The Group also considered how the gap area between the two ASCOBANS harbour porpoise action plans, i.e. the western Baltic, Inner Danish Waters and Kattegat/Skagerrak, should best be covered.
The report of the meeting will become available shortly and will be published on this website.

Last updated on 25 March 2014

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