CMS Secretariat Visit to the Bonn International School
Bonn, 22 June 2016 - Four representatives from the CMS Secretariat’s Terrestrial Species Unit visited the Bonn International School to give a presentation about the Convention and what they do to conserve migratory animals. The Bonn International School recently contacted the Secretariat, because some of the younger children were extremely interested in animals. These EL5 pupils, aged 5 and 6, were very excited when the CMS representatives came to visit.
The presentation began with an introduction explaining what CMS does. Using terms that the young audience could understand, CMS was described as “an agreement within the United Nations where people get together to try their best to make sure animals are safe.” It was explained that the animals CMS works to conserve are those that “move from one place to another and then go back and forth throughout their lives.” And that this “migration” is done on land, through the air, or in water. The children learned that animals move across borders, therefore countries need to work together to ensure species’ survival.
The rest of the presentation featured the following species: African lion, Snow leopard, African elephant, Saiga antelope, Harbour porpoise, and Saker falcon. Students were asked where they thought the species lived, what they ate, and why they need to be protected. One pupil expressed the view that elephants are “not safe because humans shoot them to take their tusks.” Another said that people “take their tusks to make treasures.” All of the students agreed that to protect elephants, this had to stop.
“It’s so important to teach the kids that even though they are small they can do their part and if everyone did it - we could make a difference!” - Kimberly Henderson, EL5 Teacher, Bonn International School
After a demonstration on how to save a beached harbour porpoise, the students bid the CMS representatives goodbye with a song “Big Bad Lad of the Ocean” from their performance of “Ocean Commotion.”
CMS gladly took the opportunity to reach out to these young pupils at the Bonn International School, because they may be future leaders in the field of conservation.
This article was prepared by Matthew Todd during his internship in the Terrestrial Species Unit of UNEP/CMS Secretariat
Last updated on 28 June 2016