27-30 October 2008 ASCOBANS in recently opened Ozeaneum in Stralsund

ASCOBANS was invited by the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) to man a joint information booth at the Ozeaneum from 27-30 October 2008.

31 October 2008

10 October 2008: IMO Sends Positive Signals for Cetaceans

The 58th Session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 58) of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) was held on 6-10 October 2008 in the IMO headquarters in London, UK.

10 October 2008

3 October 2008: New MoU for the Conservation of Small Cetaceans and Manatees in Western Africa and Macaronesia signed in Togo

After two days of negotiations during the WATCH II Meeting on 2 and 3 October 2008 in Lomé, Togo, the latest cetacean-related agreement under CMS was signed by representatives of 15 western African

03 October 2008

17 September 2008: Open Tender for the Revision of the Jastarnia Plan - extended deadline 31 October

The Recovery Plan for Baltic Harbour Porpoises, or Jastarnia Plan, is the result of a collaborative effort organised under the auspices of ASCOBANS.

17 September 2008

10 Sept 2008: Humpback visitor leaves Baltic Sea for Atlantic Ocean

The humpback whale spotted off the coast of Rügen in late July has made his way out of the Baltic Sea and back into the news rooms.

10 September 2008

14 June 2008: UK Dolphin Strandings - Statement by the joint UNEP/CMS/ASCOBANS Secretariat

The joint CMS/ASCOBANS Secretariat is closely following the recent standings incident in south-west Britain, in which 26 common dolphins lost their lives and which has attracted considerable intern

15 June 2008

18 May 2008 UPDATE: 6th International Day of the Baltic Harbour Porpoise

This year, the International Day of the Baltic Harbour Porpoise coincides with International Museum Day, which will occur on 18 May 2008.

20 May 2008

18 May 2008: The 6th International Day of the Baltic Harbour Porpoise

The CMS/ASCOBANS Secretariat is pleased to announce that an updated and revised version of the IDBHP Handbook is available for download from the

19 May 2008

31 March - 3 April 2008 UPDATE: 39 Delegates came to Bonn for AC 15

The ASCOBANS Advisory Committee held its 15th meeting from 31 March - 3 April 2008 at the Secretariat's premises, the historical high-rise building Langer Eugen in the city of Bonn, Germany.

05 April 2008