Call for Proposals for Project Funding through ASCOBANS - deadline 15 February

12 January 2011 - As in previous years, the ASCOBANS Secretariat expects to be able to support a few research and conservation projects in 2011from savings made on the previous year's budget.

12 January 2011

A Pod full of Good Wishes for 2011 from the ASCOBANS-Team

The ASCOBANS Secretariat Team would like to express their gratitude to the artist Karin Klug, who kindly donated the design for our beautiful Season's Gre

24 December 2010

UNEP/CMS Thesis Award on Migratory Species Conservation

The Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) and the Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig, Bonn (ZFMK) announce the call for applications of the third UNE

12 December 2010

14-16 February 2011: 7th Meeting of the Jastarnia Group, Copenhagen, Denmark

22 November 2010 - Upon the kind invitation of Denmark, the 7th Meeting of the ASCOBANS Jastarnia Working Group will take place in Copenhagen from 14-16 February 2011.

22 November 2010

AC17 Pushes the Implementation of the ASCOBANS Work Plan 2010-2012 Ahead

6 October 2010 - The ASCOBANS Advisory Committee (AC) held its 17th Meeting from 4-6 October 2010 at the Secretariat's premises, the historical high-rise building Langer Eugen in the city of Bonn,

06 October 2010

First Newsletter of the SAMBAH Project

17 September 2010 - SAMBAH (Static Acoustic Monitoring of the Baltic Sea Harbour Porpoise) is an international LIFE+ funded project involving all EU countries around the Baltic Sea, with the ultima

17 September 2010

Re-scheduled 17th Meeting of the Advisory Committee to take place from 4-6 October 2010

1 June 2010 - The dates for the postponed 17th ASCOBANS Advisory Committee Meeting, which had to be cancelled on short notice in April 2010, have now been set.

01 June 2010