North Sea Group

The North Sea Group is the Steering Group for the ASCOBANS Conservation Plan for Harbour Porpoises in the North Sea. It can be accessed at


Terms of Reference for the Steering Group for the ASCOBANS Conservation Plan for Harbour Porpoises in the North Sea


1. Introduction
The Agreement on the Conservation of Small Cetaceans of the Baltic, North East Atlantic, Irish and North Seas (ASCOBANS) adopted a new Conservation Plan for Harbour Porpoises in the North Sea on 18 September 2009 at its 6th Meeting of the Parties in Bonn, Germany (at MOP6 and Resolution No. 1 of MOP6).

The North Sea Group will, supported by a Coordinator (dependent on the availability of funding) and the Secretariat, ensure the implementation of Activity 8 in the Triennium Work Plan 2010-2012:
“Promote and coordinate the implementation of the Conservation Plan for Harbour Porpoises in the North Sea, gather information on its implementation and the results obtained, inform the public and evaluate the effectiveness of the Plan every three years to update it.”


2. Terms of Reference
The North Sea Group is a Steering Group of the ASCOBANS Advisory Committee within the meaning of Article 5.4 of the ASCOBANS agreement. It is the Steering Group for the ASCOBANS Conservation Plan for Harbour Porpoises in the North Sea.


a) Tasks
The North Sea Group has the following tasks:

  •  Evaluate progress of development and implementation of the Plan, specifically with regards to each of the 12 actions as defined in the Plan;
  • Promote and coordinate the implementation of the Conservation Plan for Harbour Porpoises in the North Sea
  • Gather information on its implementation and the results obtained
  • Inform the public and evaluate the effectiveness of the Plan every three years to make recommendations for updating it


b) Composition
The group consists of representatives of all states bordering the North Sea, irrespective of their status as ASCOBANS Parties or Non-Party Range States, preferably represented by members that are participating in the development and implementation of the national conservation plans for Harbour Porpoises. The group also consists of the Chair of the Jastarnia Group, North Sea environmental non-governmental organizations and North Sea fisheries organizations. The Group will be supported by a Coordinator (depending on funding) and the Secretariat. The group as described here will hereafter be referred to as “North Sea Group Members”.
Each North Sea State shall be entitled to appoint North Sea Group Members, who shall represent the environmental sector and the fisheries sector and such Advisers as the Party may deem necessary. Appointed North Sea Group Members should ensure sufficient national coordination.
North Sea environmental non-governmental organizations and North Sea fisheries organizations shall be entitled to appoint one North Sea Group Member per organization and such Advisers as they may deem necessary. The North Sea Group may, as appropriate, invite representatives of any other body or any individual qualified in cetacean conservation and management to participate in a meeting in the capacity of “Invited Experts”. The chair of the North Sea Group will be appointed after endorsement of the Terms of Reference and establishment of the actual North Sea Group.


c) Meetings
The North Sea Group will work intersessionally using email and will meet approximately once a year, preferably in the margins of a regular AC meeting. The envisioned time needed for such a meeting is currently estimated as 1 day.


d) Rules of Procedure
Pursuant to Rule 18 of the Rules of Procedure of the ASCOBANS Advisory Committee, those Rules shall apply mutatis mutandis to the proceedings of the North Sea Group insofar as they are applicable.

North Sea
Last updated on 17 October 2024