AC10/Doc.1 rev. 1 |
Draft Agenda |
AC10/Doc.2 |
Draft Annotated Agenda |
AC10/Doc.3 rev. 5 |
Provisional List of Documents |
AC10/Doc.4 |
Provisional List of Documents by Agenda Item |
AC10/Doc.5 |
Opening Statement by WWF to the 10th Meeting of the Advisory Committee to ASCOBANS |
AC10/Doc.6 |
Updated Implementation Plan for the Jastarnia Plan |
AC10/Doc.7 |
Disturbance to cetaceans by shipping Ship Collisions with Whales |
AC10/Doc.8 |
Abundance survey planning (SCANS II), update Opportunistic Sightings of Harbour Porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) in the Baltic Sea |
AC10/Doc.9 |
Post-mortem and stranding schemesTrends in Cetaceans Strandings on the British Coastline 1994 - 1999 |
AC10/Doc.10 |
Summer distribution of Harbour Porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) in the German North and Baltic Sea |
AC10/Doc.11 |
Future Scope and Direction of ASCOBANS PR Activities |
AC10/Doc.12 |
Draft Resolution No. 1: Headquarters Agreement for and Juridical Personality of the Agreement Secretariat |
AC10/Doc.13 |
Draft Resolution No. 2: Educational and Promotional Activities |
AC10/Doc.14 |
Investigating the habitat use of harbour porpoises in German waters using porpoise detectors (PODs) |
AC10/Doc.15 |
Improved Information on Seismic Activities |
AC10/Doc.16 rev.1 (Restricted) |
Draft Resolution No. 3: Financial and Budgetary Matters |
AC10/Doc.17 |
Draft Resolution No. 4: Extension of the ASCOBANS Agreement Area |
AC10/Doc.18 |
Analysis of Responses to Post-Meeting Questionnaire 2002 |
AC10/Doc.19 |
Cetacean bycatch in pelagic trawl fisheries in the Celtic Sea, Biscay,Channel area - a case for emergency action |
AC10/Doc.20 |
Draft Resolution No. 5: Disturbance |
AC10/Doc.21 |
Draft Resolution No. 6: Incidental Take of Small Cetaceans |
AC10/Doc.22 |
Draft Resolution No. 7: Monitoring, Status and Population Studies |
AC10/Doc.23 |
ASCOBANS Fact Sheet No. 1: What is the ASCOBANS Recovery Planfor Baltic Harbour Porpoises (Jastarnia Plan)? |
AC10/Doc.24 |
Recommendation 7.2. "Implementation of Resolution 6.2 on By-catch", adopted by the Conference of the Parties to CMS at its Seventh Meeting, Bonn, 2002 |
AC10/Doc.25 |
Relevant Decisions of the Ministerial Declaration of the 9th Trilateral Governmental Conference on the Protection of the Wadden Sea, Esbjerg, 2001 |
AC10/Doc.26 |
Draft Resolution No. 8: Further Implementation of ASCOBANS |
AC10/Doc.27 |
Draft Resolution No. 9: Activities of the ASCOBANS Advisory Committee 2004-2006 |
AC10/Doc.28 |
UK Small Cetacean Bycatch Response Strategy |
AC10/Doc.29 |
Dates of Interest to ASCOBANS in 2003/2004 |
AC10/Doc.30 |
Progress report from UK by the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) on the implementation of resolution 4 to develop a monitoring system that will enable adaptive management of seismic survey activities |
AC10/Doc.31 |
Rules of Procedure for the ASCOBANS Advisory Committee As amended at the 9th ASCOBANS Advisory Committee meeting10 - 12 June 2002, Hindås, Sweden |
AC10/Doc.32 |
The relative abundance of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) from acoustic and visual surveys in German, Danish, Swedish andPolish waters during 2001 and 2002 |
AC9/Doc.33 |
High-Speed Ferries: Secretariat's Update |
AC10/Doc.33a |
High-speed ferries operating in Polish waters in 2002 |
AC10/Doc.35 Restricted |
Draft financial statement for budget year 2002 |
AC10/Doc.36 rev. 1 |
Fisheries Statistics - Data Submitted by Parties and Range States |
AC10/Doc.36a |
Bycatch Issues Polish total landings in 2000-2002 |
AC10/Doc.37 |
Information submitted by Parties and Range States in response to post-mortem research questionnaire |
AC10/Doc.38 |
Information submitted by Parties on seismic activities |
AC10/Doc.39 |
Bycatch as a potential threat to harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena L.) in Polish Baltic Waters |
AC10/Doc.40 |
Report for the 10th Meeting of the ASCOBANS Advisory Committee on Poland's Activities in the Field of Publicising the Problems of the Status and the Protection of Small Cetaceans in the Baltic |
AC10/Doc.41 |
Publicity/PR Issues: Secretariat New ASCOBANS Logo |
AC10/Doc.43 |
French observer programme in the ASCOBANS Area (1994-1996) |
AC10/Doc.44 |
Walter M. X. Zimmer: Sonar systems and stranding of beaked whales |
AC10/Doc.45 |
Recording of cetaceans strandings in Brittany in 2001 |
AC10/Doc.46 |
Small Cetacean Abundance in the North Sea and adjacentwaters: Further progress with SCANS II |
Financial Statements and Status of Contributions 2001 |
AC10/Doc.47 rev. 1 |
The range of acoustic pingers in the Baltic and the North Sea |