6th Meeting of the Advisory Committee

The location on the map is approximate!
12 Apr 1999 to 14 Apr 1999
CountryUnited Kingdom

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Number Title Files
AC6/Doc.1 Lists of Participants
AC6/Doc.2 Rules of Procedure for the ASCOBANS Advisory Committee
AC6/Doc.3 Agenda
AC6/Doc.4 Opening Statements
AC6/Doc.5 Extract of the 1988 Report of the ICES Advisory Committee on the Marine Environment, Annex 10
AC6/Doc.6 OSPAR Strategy with regard to hazardous substances
AC6/Doc.7 Report on the "Meeting of the IWC/ASCOBANS Working Group on Harbour Porpoises", 8-10 March, St. Andrews, Scotland
AC6/Doc.8 Danish Action Plan for Reducing Incidental Bycatches of Harbour Porpoises
AC6/Doc.9 Complaint by the Danish NGOs against the "Action Plan for reducing incidental bycatches of harbour porpoises"
AC6/Doc.10 An assessment of the relationship between the by-catch of selected marine organisms andspecific fishing gears on a regional basis in the north east Atlantic
AC6/Doc.11 Report "Information on the incidental mortality of marine mammals owing to fishing activities", presented by ICES during the OSPAR IMPACT 98 meeting
AC6/Doc.12 Comments by BirdLife International and WWF on the document "Information on the incidental mortality of marine mammals owing to fishing activities", presented by ICES
AC6/Doc.13 Resolution on the Commission communication to the Council and the European Parliament: Report on the implementation of the "statement of conclusions from the intermediate ministerial meeting on the integration of fisheries and environmental…
AC6/Doc.14 Bycatch of small cetaceans as seen from the perspective of the Nordic Fishermen
AC6/Doc.15 Presentation of the video documentary "Small Whale in Big Trouble"
AC6/Doc.16 "Does acoustic testing strand whales?", by A. Frantzis (Nature, Vol. 392, 5 March 1998)
AC6/Doc.17 Report on the potential impact of high-speed ferries on small cetaceans in the ASCOBANS Area and adjacent waters
AC6/Doc.18 Compilation of institutions involved in post-mortem re-search on stranded cetaceans and the kind of data collected
AC6/Doc.19 Report on the meeting with the Swedish Coordinating Authority
AC6/Doc.20 Report on the meeting between representatives of the European Commission and ASCOBANS, Brussels, 26 January 1999
AC6/Doc.21 Letter from the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries of the States of Jersey regarding Jersey's accession to ASCOBANS, and the response by the United Kingdom
AC6/Doc.22 Report on Jensen's meeting with Ireland, 2 March 1998
AC6/Doc.23 Application for permanent observer status by the WWF
AC6/Doc.24 The "Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission - Helsinki Commission" - The Structure of HELCOM
AC6/Doc.25 The "OSPAR Commission for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic" - The Structure of OSPAR
AC6/Doc.26 Report on the 9th Meeting of the Environment Committee to HELCOM, Isle of Vilm, Germany, 28.09 - 02.10.1998
AC6/Doc.27 Decision by the Ministerial Meeting of the OSPAR Commission, Sintra, 22 - 23 July 1998: "The Protection and Conservation of the Ecosystems and Biological Diversity of the Maritime Area"
AC6/Doc.28 OSPAR Strategy on the Protection and Conservation of the Ecosystems and Biological Diversity of the Maritime Area
AC6/Doc.29 "Sintra Statement" by the Ministerial Meeting of the OSPAR Commission, Sintra, 22 - 23 July 1998
AC6/Doc.30 List of relevant meetings for ASCOBANS participation in 1999
AC6/Doc.31 Considerations on the future status of the ASCOBANS Secretariat
AC6/Doc.32 Summarizing knowledge for conservation: Global register of migratory species (GROMS) by K. Riede
AC6/Doc.33 "The Whale & Dolphin Roadshow": letter of introduction from Andy Starbuck
AC6/Doc.34 A Field Test of Acoustic Alarms to Reduce Harbour Porpoise By-Catch in Bottom Set Gill-Nets
AC6/Doc.35 Table for Compilation of Available Fishery Statistics for Parties and Range States within the ASCOBANS Agreement Area
AC6/Doc.36 Potential Limits to Anthropogenic Mortality for Harbour Porpoises in the Baltic Region