A Day for the Harbour Porpoise in the Baltic Sea: 16 May 2010

14 May 2010 - On Sunday, 16 May 2010 the International Day of the Baltic Harbour Porpoise will be marked.

14 May 2010

ASCOBANS Jastarnia Group met at Hel Marine Station, Poland

1 March 2010 - Upon the kind invitation of the Polish Ministry of Environment, the ASCOBANS Jastarnia Group gathered for its 6th meeting in Hel, Poland.

01 March 2010

Welcome to Borja Heredia as ASCOBANS Senior Advisor

Bonn, 12 January 2010 - Borja Heredia has entered on duty as the new Scientific and Technical Officer at the CMS Secretariat.

12 February 2010

New Scientific Review on Toothed Whales Now Online

4 February 2010 - Co-sponsored by CMS, ASCOBANS, WWF and the Loro Parque Foundation, an update and expansion of the "Review of Small Cetaceans" has been launched online today on the website of the

04 February 2010

21-23 April 2010: 17th Meeting of the Advisory Committee, Cornwall, United Kingdom

14 January 2010 - The ASCOBANS Secretariat gratefully accepted the kind offer of the United Kingdom government to host the 17th Meeting of the ASCOBANS Advisory Committee (AC) in Cornwall at the

15 January 2010

23-24 February 2010: 6th Meeting of the Jastarnia Group, Hel Marine Station, Poland

14 January 2010 - The ASCOBANS Jastarnia Working Group was established to take forward the implementation of the Recovery Plan for the Baltic Harbour Porpoise (also called Jastarnia Plan) will meet

14 January 2010

International Project on the Baltic Harbour Porpoise Receives EU Funding

31 December 2009 - SAMBAH - Static Acoustic Monitoring of the Baltic Sea Harbour Porpoise - is an international project involving all EU countries around the Baltic Sea, with the ultimate goal to s

31 December 2009

Workshop on Cetacean Bycatch: effectiveness of current mitigation measures and possible improvements in the future - 20 March 2010

30 December 2009 - In the margins of the 24th Conference of the European Cetacean Society, to be held in Stralsund, Germany, from 22-24 March 2010, a joint workshop by ASCOBANS, the European Commis

30 December 2009