15th Meeting of the Jastarnia Group


By Johan - Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0, Link


The Finnish Ministry of the Environment and Turku University of Applied Sciences are kindly hosting the 15th Meeting of the ASCOBANS Jastarnia Group in Turku, Finland. 

The meeting will review progress under the ASCOBANS Recovery Plan for Harbour Porpoises (Jastarnia Plan) and the ASCOBANS Conservation Plan for the Harbour Porpoise Population in the Western Baltic, the Belt Sea and the Kattegat (WBBK Plan); learn about complementary initiatives; and aim to move implementation forward.

Online registration

Please register for the meeting here by 24 February 2019. Only Jastarnia Group Members, their Advisers, a representative of the ASCOBANS North Sea Group and invited experts may participate in the meeting. Kindly refer to the Terms of Reference of the Jastarnia Group.


Documents will be uploaded as they become available. Should you experience challenges in online registration or downloading documents, or require any other assistance, please contact ascobans.secretariat@ascobans.org

We look forward to welcoming you to Turku in March!


18 Mar 2019 12:30 to 20 Mar 2019 12:30
Registration Deadline24/02/2019
OrganizerASCOBANS Secretariat
TypeWorking Group
VenueRestaurant Taito, Room “Prikka” Datacity, Entrance B. Lemminkäisenkatu 16 B 20520 TURKU

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