26th Meeting of the Advisory Committee


Northern Bottlenose Whales © Steve Geelhoed


The 26th Meeting of the ASCOBANS Advisory Committee (AC26) will be held online, as decided by 9th Meeting of the Parties (MOP9).

For the meeting, Parties are requested to report on pressures and threats to small cetaceans as per Resolution 8.1 (Rev.MOP9)

  • Noise (impulsive i.e. piling and continuous / ambient i.e. shipping)
  • Ocean energy
  • Unexploded ordnance
  • Marine spatial planning


Online registration

Registration for the meeting should be done via the online registration form by 9 October 2021.  

Requests for observer status should reach the Secretariat by 9 September 2021.  A completed registration form serves as a request for observer status.

Please note that approved observer organizations can register until 9 October 2021.  

Kindly refer to the Rules of Procedure for the ASCOBANS Advisory Committee.



Documents will be posted on this meeting page as they become available. If you would like to submit information documents relevant to the agenda items, please send them to the Secretariat by 4 October 2021.

Should you experience problems in accessing documents or require any other assistance, please contact the ASCOBANS Secretariat.


We look forward to your participation at the meeting!


08 Nov 2021 to 11 Nov 2021
Registration Deadline09/10/2021
OrganizerASCOBANS Secretariat
VenueVirtual / Online

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Download all files of this section in
Number Title Files
ASCOBANS/AC26/Doc.1.2a/Rev.1 Provisional Agenda
ASCOBANS/AC26/Doc1.2b Provisional Annotated Agenda and Schedule
ASCOBANS/AC26/Doc.1.3a Rules of Procedure for the ASCOBANS Advisory Committee
ASCOBANS/AC26/Doc.1.3b Annex to the Rules of Procedure for the ASCOBANS Advisory Committee: Operating Procedures for Virtual Meetings
ASCOBANS/AC26/Doc.2.1 Responses to a Query on National Navies’ Mitigation Protocols for Use of Military Sonar
ASCOBANS/AC26/Doc.3.1a Proposed update to Jastarnia Group Terms of Reference
ASCOBANS/AC26/Doc.3.1b Action Points from the 17th Meeting of the Jastarnia Group
ASCOBANS/AC26/Doc.4.2 Mass Killing of the Atlantic White-sided Dolphin (Lagenorhynchus acutus) in the Faroe Islands in September 2021
ASCOBANS/AC26/Doc.4.3 Overcoming Challenges to Protect Beaked Whales in the Northeast Atlantic – ASCOBANS Intersessional Working Group Report, September 2021
ASCOBANS/AC26/Doc.4.4a Draft Proposal for the Inclusion of the Baltic Proper Harbour Porpoise on Appendix I of CMS
ASCOBANS/AC26/Doc.4.4b Draft Proposal for the Inclusion of the Iberian Harbour Porpoise on the Appendices of CMS
ASCOBANS/AC26/Doc.6.2 Draft List of Dates of Interest to ASCOBANS in 2021-2022
ASCOBANS/AC26/Doc.7.1 Report of the Secretariat on Outreach Activities
ASCOBANS/AC26/Doc.8.2 Project Proposals Received in the 2021 Call
ASCOBANS/AC26/Doc.8.3/Rev.1 Prioritisation of Activities Requiring Funding
ASCOBANS/AC26/Doc.9 ASCOBANS Work Plan 2021-2024: Overview of Implementation
ASCOBANS/AC26/Doc.16.1 Report on Administrative Issues 2020-2021
ASCOBANS/AC26/Doc.16.2 End of Term Report on Budgetary Issues 2020
ASCOBANS/AC26/Doc.16.3 Mid-term Report on Budgetary Issues 2021
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ASCOBANS/AC26/Inf.1.2a/Rev.1 List of Documents
ASCOBANS/AC26/Inf.1.2b/Rev.1 Provisional List of Participants
ASCOBANS/AC26/Inf.2 Summary Compilation of the 2020 National Reports Submitted by ASCOBANS Parties
ASCOBANS/AC26/Inf.2.1a Terms of Reference and Operational Procedures for the Joint Noise Working Group of CMS, ACCOBAMS and ASCOBANS
ASCOBANS/AC26/Inf.2.1b Work Plan (version: November 2020) for the Joint Noise Working Group of CMS, ACCOBAMS and ASCOBANS
ASCOBANS/AC26/Inf.2.1c Terms of Reference and Operational Procedures for the Industry Advisory Group on Underwater Noise
ASCOBANS/AC26/Inf.2.1d Outcome of the Second Joint Session of OSPAR ICG-Noise and HELCOM EN-Noise
ASCOBANS/AC26/Inf.2.1e Meeting of the OSPAR Intersessional Correspondence Group on Underwater Noise - ICG-Noise(2) 2021 Summary Record
ASCOBANS/AC26/Inf.2.3 Council Conclusions on Maritime Security
ASCOBANS/AC26/Inf.2.4 Guideline for the Implementation of Ecosystem-Based Approach in Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) in the Baltic Sea Area
ASCOBANS/AC26/Inf.2.5a Recommendations from the 1st Meeting of the Joint Bycatch Working Group of ACCOBAMS and ASCOBANS
ASCOBANS/AC26/Inf.2.5b Monitoring Cetacean Bycatch: An Analysis of Different Methods Aboard Commercial Fishing Vessels
ASCOBANS/AC26/Inf.2.5c Report from the ASCOBANS Workshop on Management of MPAs for Small Cetaceans
ASCOBANS/AC26/Inf.2.5d IWC-CMS Workshop on Cetacean Ecosystem Functioning
ASCOBANS/AC26/Inf.3.1a Progress Report on the Jastarnia Plan 2021
ASCOBANS/AC26/Inf.3.1b Report of the 17th Meeting of the ASCOBANS Jastarnia Group
ASCOBANS/AC26/Inf.3.2 Progress Report on the Conservation Plan for the Harbour Porpoise Population in the Western Baltic, the Belt Sea and the Kattegat 2021
ASCOBANS/AC26/Inf.3.3a Priority Recommendations from the 9th Meeting of the North Sea Group
ASCOBANS/AC26/Inf.4.2a Estimates of the Abundance of Cetaceans in the Central North Atlantic based on the NASS Icelandic and Faroese Shipboard Surveys Conducted in 2015
ASCOBANS/AC26/Inf.4.2b Estimates of the Relative Abundance of Long-finned Pilot Whales (Globicephala melas) in the Northeast Atlantic from 1987 to 2015 indicate no long-term trends
ASCOBANS/AC26/Inf.4.2c Catches of Dolphins in the Faroe Islands to be Reviewed
ASCOBANS/AC26/Inf.6.1 Reports from Relevant Meetings back to ASCOBANS
ASCOBANS/AC26/Inf.6.1b Brief Report of the 2021 Meeting of the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission
ASCOBANS/AC26/Inf.14 Status of Accession and Acceptance of the Agreement's Amendment
ASCOBANS/AC26/Inf.15 2020 ASCOBANS National Report Form
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Number Title Files
ASCOBANS/AC26/Pres.1.4 Guidance on Formulation of Action Points and Recommendations
ASCOBANS/AC26/Pres.2.1a Noise - overview of the responses submitted via National Reports
ASCOBANS/AC26/Pres.2.1b Joint Noise Working Group
ASCOBANS/AC26/Pres.2.2a Ocean energy - overview of the responses submitted via National Reports
ASCOBANS/AC26/Pres.2.2b Status Quo on Ocean Energy in the Agreement Area
ASCOBANS/AC26/Pres.2.3a Unexploded ordnance - overview of the responses submitted via National Reports
ASCOBANS/AC26/Pres.2.3b Status Quo on Unexploded Ordnance in the ASCOBANS Area
ASCOBANS/AC26/Pres.2.4a Marine Spatial Planning - overview of the responses submitted via National Reports
ASCOBANS/AC26/Pres.2.4b Marine Spatial Planning: Why It Matters for Small Cetaceans
ASCOBANS/AC26/Pres.2.5a The Work of the ACCOBAMS-ASCOBANS Joint Bycatch Working Group
ASCOBANS/AC26/Pres.2.5b ASCOBANS Workshop on Management of MPAs for Small Cetaceans
ASCOBANS/AC26/Pres.2.5c CSI in the North Sea: Solving the Mass Stranding Mystery
ASCOBANS/AC26/Pres.3.1 The Jastarnia and WBBK Plans
ASCOBANS/AC26/Pres.3.3 The Conservation Plan for the Harbour Porpoise in the North Sea
ASCOBANS/AC26/Pres.3.4 Common Dolphin Group
ASCOBANS/AC26/Pres.4.1 Bottlenose Dolphins in the ASCOBANS Agreement Area
ASCOBANS/AC26/Pres.4.2 Update on Lagenorhynchus - New Findings and Sample Archive
ASCOBANS/AC26/Pres.5a OECMS and the CFP
ASCOBANS/AC26/Pres.6.1b Coordinated Cetacean Assessment, Monitoring and Management strategy in the Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast sub-region (CetAMBICion)
ASCOBANS/AC26/Pres.6.1c CIBBRiNA - an international bycatch project
ASCOBANS/AC26/Pres.6.1d SCANS IV: Small Cetaceans in European Atlantic Waters and the North Sea
ASCOBANS/AC26/Pres.6.1e SAMBAH II LIFE: Spatio-temporal Monitoring of the Baltic Proper Harbour Porpoise and its Habitat Quality