19th Meeting of the Jastarnia Group


© Tilen Genov, Morigenos

© Tilen Genov, Morigenos


The 19th Meeting of the ASCOBANS Jastarnia Group takes place online from 20 to 22 March 2023

In its annual meetings, the Steering Group for the ASCOBANS Recovery Plan for Baltic Harbour Porpoises (Jastarnia Plan) and the Conservation Plan for the Harbour Porpoise Population in the Western Baltic, the Belt Sea and the Kattegat (WBBK Plan) will review progress under the action plans, learn about complementary initiatives, and aim to move implementation forward.


Online registration: Please register for the meeting via this online form by 6 March 2023 (extended deadline).  Jastarnia Group Members, their Advisers, a representative of the ASCOBANS North Sea Group, invited experts, and approved observers may participate in the meeting.  Kindly refer to the Terms of Reference of the Jastarnia Group.


Documents: Meeting documents will be uploaded to this page as they become available.  Information documents relevant to any of the agenda items can be sent to the Secretariat for consideration.

For any questions related to the meeting, please contact the ASCOBANS Secretariat.


20 Mar 2023 to 22 Mar 2023
Registration Deadline06/03/2023
OrganizerASCOBANS Secretariat
TypeWorking Group

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Number Title Files
ASCOBANS/JG19/Pres2.1b National Progress Report for Denmark
ASCOBANS/JG19/Pres2.1c National progress reports for Sweden
ASCOBANS/JG19/Pres2.1e Implementation review Germany
ASCOBANS/JG19/Pres2.1f National progress report - Lithuania
ASCOBANS/JG19/Pres2.1g National progress reports on activities since March 2022 - Poland
ASCOBANS/JG19/Pres2.1h Harbour porpoise monitoring under the State Monitoring Programme Past, Present and Future
ASCOBANS/JG19/Pres2.2 Report back on potential effects of the cod fishing ban
ASCOBANS/JG19/Pres3.2a Bycatch mitigation for the Baltic Proper harbour porpoise
ASCOBANS/JG19/Pres3.3a Overview of HELCOM matters related to harbour porpoise
ASCOBANS/JG19/Pres4.1b Tango Project - investigating the Impact of a Relocation of a Major Shipping Lane on HP
ASCOBANS/JG19/Pres4.1d Avian Influenza also can infect cetaceans
ASCOBANS/JG19/Pres4.1f Line transect survey south of Gotland
ASCOBANS/JG19/Pres4.3 Update from relevant ASCOBANS Working Group
ASCOBANS/JG19/Pres9 Next Meeting of the Jastarnia Group