11th Meeting of the Advisory Committee

The location on the map is approximate!
27 Apr 2004 to 29 Apr 2004
CityJastrzebia Góra

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Number Title Files
AC11/Doc.1 Draft Agenda
AC11/Doc.2 Draft Annotated Agenda
AC11/Doc.3 List of Documents
AC11/Doc.4 Provisional List of Documents by Agenda Item
AC11/Doc.5 Rules of Procedure for the ASCOBANS Advisory Committee as amended at the 9th ASCOBANS Advisory Committee meeting,10 – 12 June 2002, Hindås, Sweden
AC11/Doc.6 Information on Seismic Activities by Germany
AC11/Doc.7 Opportunistic Sightings of Harbour Porpoises (Phocoenaphocoena) in the Baltic Sea; Second Season 2003
AC11/Doc.8 rev. 1 Harbour Porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) summer abundance and distribution in the German North and Baltic Seas
AC11/Doc.9 rev. 1 Recovery plan for the harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena L.) in the North Sea. Draft Working Paper
AC11/Doc.10 German part-time fishermen in the Baltic Sea and their by-catch of harbour porpoise
AC11/Doc.11 Opening Statements by Observer Organisations: IFAW, Sailing for the Sea International, WDCS and WWF
AC11/Doc.12 WWF Response to Council Decision of 22 March 2004b) WWF Briefing on Commission Proposal COM(2003)451 Final release prior to the Council Meeting
AC11/Doc.13 Seasonal and geographical variation of harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) habitat use in the German Baltic Sea monitored by passive acoustic methods (PODs)
AC11/Doc.14 Dates of interest to ASCOBANS in 2004/2005
AC11/Doc.15 Harbour Porpoise Action Plan for Sweden.English Summary
AC11/Doc.16 Secretariat’s bi-annual report on public information andeducational activities
AC11/Doc.17 rev.1 Fisheries Statistics. Data submitted by Parties and Range States
AC11/Doc.18 rev.1 High Speed Ferries. Secretariat’s Update
AC11/Doc.19 Information submitted by Parties and Range Statesin response to post-mortem research questionnaire
AC11/Doc.20 Information on bycatch of harbour porpoises in Latvian waters 2003/2004
AC11/Doc.21 Restricted Budget 2003 - Summary of Income and Expenditure and Provisional Trust Fund Balance
AC11/Doc.22 Elaboration of a recovery plan for harbour porpoises in the North Sea Summary Record of CONSSO October 2003
AC11/Doc.23 Application for support of Baltic harbour porpoise acoustic survey
AC11/Doc.24 The harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) in the southern North Sea: a come-back in northern French and Belgian waters?
AC11/Doc.25 European Union, 2573rd Council Meeting, Provisional Report (Excerpt) – Incidental Catches of Cetaceans
AC11/Doc.26 Report to ASCOBANS on Preparation of the SCANS II Proposal
AC11/Doc.27 Marine Mammal Workshop, 1 April 2004, Kolmården, Sweden: Recommendations regarding harbour porpoises
AC11/Doc.27a Annex to AC11/Doc. 27 ECS Baltic Workshop on Marine Mammals,Kolmården, 1 April 2004: List of Participants
AC11/Doc.28 rev. 1 Report for the 11th Meeting of the ASCOBANS Advisory Committee on Poland’s Activities in the Field of Publicising the Problems of the Status and the Protection of Small Cetaceans in the Baltic Sea in 2003
AC11/Doc.29 Fisheries Statistics 2003: Denmark
AC11/Doc.30 Annual National Reports submitted to the Secretariat as of 27 April 2004 (Belgium, Germany, Sweden, UK)
AC11/Doc.31 Information submitted by Poland in response to post-mortem research questionnaire