AC13/Doc.1 rev. 1 |
Draft Agenda |
AC13/Doc.2 |
Draft Annotated Agenda |
AC13/Doc. 3 |
List of Documents |
AC13/Doc.4 |
Provisional List of Documents by Agenda Item |
AC13/Doc.5 |
Rules of Procedure for the ASCOBANS Advisory Committee as amended at the 9th ASCOBANS Advisory Committee meeting,10 – 12 June 2002, Hindås, Sweden |
AC13/Doc.6 |
Differences in the response of a striped dolphin (Stenellacoeruleoalba) and a harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) to an acoustic alarm |
AC13/Doc.7 |
Reports on the impacts produced by the maritime traffic on cetacean populations in the Strait of Gibraltar (Spain).Current situation and future previsions. |
AC13/Doc.8 |
Informe sobre impacto de las actividades de los fast ferrys en las poblaciones de cetáceos de España |
AC13/Doc.9 Restricted |
Budget 2005 – Summary of Income and Expenditures and Trust Fund Balance |
AC13/Doc.10 |
Draft Resolution No. 1: Educational and Promotional Activities |
AC13/Doc.11 rev. 1/Restricted |
Draft Resolution No. 2a: Financial, Budgetary and Administrative Matters |
AC13/Doc.12 |
Draft Resolution No. 3:Extension of the ASCOBANS Agreement Area |
AC13/Doc.13 |
Draft Resolution No. 4: Adverse Effects of Noise, Vesselsand other Forms of Disturbance on Small Cetaceans |
AC13/Doc.14 |
Draft Resolution No. 5: Incidental Take of Small Cetaceans |
AC13/Doc.15 |
Draft Resolution No. 6: Activities of the ASCOBANS Advisory Committee 2007-2009 |
AC13/Doc.16 |
Draft Resolution No. 7: Further Implementation of ASCOBANS |
AC13/Doc.18 |
ASCOBANS Recovery Plan for Harbour Porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) in the North Sea and Background Document |
AC13/Doc.19 |
Dates of Interest to ASCOBANS in 2006/2007 |
AC13/Doc.21 rev.1 |
Draft Resolution No. 10: Recovery Plan for Harbour Porpoises in the North Sea |
AC13/Doc.22a rev. 2 |
Implications for ASCOBANS of Enlarging the Agreement Area and Including All Cetaceans |
AC13/Doc.22b |
The interaction between the ASCOBANS MOP and the IWC, NAMMCO and EC |
AC12/Doc.23 rev. 1 |
Expert Paper: Opportunistic Sightings of Harbour Porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) in the Baltic Sea; Third and Fourth Seasons 2004-5 |
AC13/Doc.24 |
Expert Paper: Passive acoustic monitoring of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) in the German Baltic Sea |
AC13/Doc.25 |
Information Document: Draft Gothenburg Declaration vs. EcoQO on by-catch of harbour porpoises |
AC13/Doc.26 |
ASCOBANS Secretariat Report on PR Activities (1/2006) |
AC13/Doc.27 |
High speed ferries: Secretariat’s update |
AC13/Doc.28 |
Report of the Second Meeting of the Jastarnia Group, Stralsund, Germany, 7 & 8 February 2006 |
AC13/Doc.29 |
Fisheries Statistics. Data submitted by Parties |
AC13/Doc.30 |
Information submitted by Parties in response to post-mortem research questionnaire |
AC13/Doc.31 |
Terms of Reference for a Study on Fishing Effort in the Baltic |
AC13/Doc.32 |
Identifying Research Needs to Improve the Management and Conservation of Bottlenose Dolphins throughout the Northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean Areas |
AC13/Doc.33 |
Report on Information on Offshore Use of Explosives by the United Kingdom 2003-2005 |
AC13/Doc.34 |
New cetacean NGO from Portugal |
AC13/Doc.35 |
Aerial survey of the cetaceans along the coasts of Brittany: preliminary results |
AC13/Doc.36 |
Report on Information on Seismic Survey Activities by the United Kingdom 2004-2005 |
AC13/Doc.37 |
Trans North Atlantic Sightings Survey - TNASS |
AC13/Doc.38 |
Letter from the Executive Secretary of HELCOM to ASCOBANS regarding a joint HELCOM/ASCOBANS/ICES project (inventory of genetic information on the Baltic harbour porpoise) |
AC13/Doc.39 |
Les échouages de cétacés sur le littoral français en 2004 |
AC13/Doc.40 |
Cetacean strandings along the French coasts in 2004 (English-language summary of AC13/Doc.39) |
AC13/Doc.41 |
Annual National Report for 2005: Denmark |
AC13/Doc.42 |
Annual National Reports for 2005: Belgium |
AC13/Doc.43 |
Fisheries Statistics. Data submitted by Parties: France |