AC19/Doc.1-01 rev.2 |
Rules of Procedure of the ASCOBANS Advisory Committee |
AC19/Doc.1-02 |
AC19/Doc.1-03 rev.1 |
Provisional Annotated Agenda |
AC19/Doc.1-04 rev.1 |
List of Documents |
AC19/Doc.2-01 |
Annual National Report Belgium |
AC19/Doc.2-02 |
Annual National Report Denmark |
AC19/Doc.2-03 |
Annual National Report Finland |
AC19/Doc.2-04 |
Annual National Report France |
AC19/Doc.2-05 |
Annual National Report Germany |
AC19/Doc.2-07 |
Annual National Report The Netherlands |
AC19/Doc.2-08 |
Annual National Report Poland |
AC19/Doc.2-10 |
Annual National Report United Kingdom |
AC19/Doc.3-01 |
Status of Accession and Acceptance of the Agreement’s Amendment |
AC19/Doc.4-01 |
ASCOBANS Triennium Work Plan 2010-2012 – Progress and Further Actions |
AC19/Doc.4-02 |
Action Points of the 8th Meeting of theASCOBANS Jastarnia Group |
AC19/Doc.4-02 Addendum |
Report of the 8th Meeting of the ASCOBANS Jastarnia Group |
AC19/Doc.4-03 |
Draft Conservation Plan for the Harbour Porpoise Population in the Western Baltic, the Belt Sea and the Kattegat |
AC19/Doc.4-04 |
Report of the 1st Meeting of the Steering Group for the Conservation Plan for the Harbour Porpoise in the North Sea |
AC19/Doc.4-05 |
Report of the North Sea Coordinator |
AC19/Doc.4-06 |
Report of the Bycatch Working Group (AC19) |
AC19/Doc.4-07 |
Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on the implementation of certain provisions of Council Regulation (EC) No 812/2004 laying down measures concerning incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries… |
AC19/Doc.4-08 |
Report of the Noise Working Group (2012) |
AC19/Doc.4-09 |
Report of the Secretariat on Outreach and Education Activities |
AC19/Doc.4-10 |
Underwater Noise Pollution From Munitions Clearance and Disposal, Possible Effects on Marine Vertebrates, and Its Mitigation |
AC19/Doc.4-11 |
ICES 2010: Report of the Study Group on Bycatch of Protected Species |
AC19/Doc.4-12 |
ICES Advice 2010:EC request on cetace |
AC19/Doc.4-13 |
ICES 2011:Report of the Working Group on Bycatch of Protected Species |
AC19/Doc.4-14 |
Draft Letter to the ASCOBANS and ACCOBAMS Noise Working Groups |
AC19/Doc.4-15 |
Report of the Joint NAMMCO-ICES Workshop on By-Catch Monitoring |
AC19/Doc.4-16 |
CBD Scientific Synthesis on the Impacts of Underwater Noise on Marine and Coastal Biodiversity and Habitats |
AC19/Doc.4-17 |
Strategies for the Prevention of Bycatch of Seabirds and Marine Mammals in Baltic Sea Fisheries |
AC19/Doc.4-18 |
Is limiting gillnet drop a management perspective for the protection of cetaceans in SACs? |
AC19/Doc.4-19 |
Scope and aims of the symposium “Towards an Environmentally Sound Offshore Wind Energy Deployment”, held in Stralsund, Germany |
AC19/Doc.5-01 |
Pilot Whale Hunt in the Faroe Islands |
AC19/Doc.5-02 |
A final report on the presence and distribution of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) from visual and acoustic survey in French and British waters of the English Channel in May and June 2011 |
AC19/Doc.5-03 rev.1 |
A preliminary report on the presence and distribution of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) from visual and acoustic surveys over the Dogger Bank and surrounding waters, Southern North Sea in November 2011 |
AC19/Doc.5-04 |
Ecological Effects of Ghost Net Retrieval in the Baltic Sea Pilot project: collecting ghost nets |
AC19/Doc.5-05 rev.1 |
Cetaceans and Marine Debris |
AC19/Doc.5-06 |
ICES 2010:Report of the Working Group on Marine Mammal Ecology |
AC19/Doc.5-07 |
ICES 2011:Report of the Working Group on Marine Mammal Ecology |
AC19/Doc.5-08 |
Survey for small cetaceans over the Dogger Bank and adjacent areas in summer 2011 |
AC19/Doc.5-09 |
Intersessional Working Group on Research and Conservation Actions Undertaken in the Extended Agreement Area |
AC19/Doc.5-10 |
Marine Protected Areas |
AC19/Doc.6-01 rev.1 |
Progress of Projects Supported through ASCOBANS |
AC19/Doc.6-02 |
Project Proposals Received for Future Funding |
AC19/Doc.6-03 |
Project Report:Inventories of harbour porpoise Phocaena phocaena phocaena presence in Russian territorial watersof the Baltic Sea |
AC19/Doc.6-04 |
Project Report:Effects of contaminants on reproduction in small cetaceans,Phase II |
AC19/Doc.6-05 |
Project Report:Interest and feasibility of a web accessed database for marine mammal strandings and necropsy data in the ASCOBANS region |
AC19/Doc.6-06 |
Preliminary Project Report:Understanding harbour porpoise (Phocoena Phocoena) and fishery interactions in the north-west Iberian Peninsula |
AC19/Doc.6-07 |
Tursiops SEAS Project Proposal Progress |
AC19/Doc.7-01 |
Reports of Representation of ASCOBANS at Meetings |
AC19/Doc.7-02 |
Dates of Interest to ASCOBANS in 2012/2013 |
AC19/Doc.7-03 |
North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission (NAMMCO):Statement to the 19th Meeting of the ASCOBANS Advisory Committee |
AC19/Doc.7-04 |
CMS Resolution 10.4 on Marine Debris |
AC19/Doc.7-05 |
CMS Resolution 10.14 on Bycatch of CMS-Listed Species in Gillnet Fisheries |
AC19/Doc.7-06 |
CMS Resolution 10.15 on the Global Programme of Work for Cetaceans |
AC19/Doc.7-07 |
CMS Resolution 10.24 on Further Steps to Abate Underwater Noise Pollution for the Protection of Cetaceans and Other Migratory Species |
AC19/Doc.7-08 |
HELCOM Project on Managing Fisheries in Baltic Marine Protected Areas (BALTFIMPA) |
AC19/Doc.7-09 |
Draft Terms of Reference for the Joint ACCOBAMS/ASCOBANS Working Group on the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) |
AC19/Doc.8-01 |
Draft Resolution: Activities of the ASCOBANS Advisory Committee and Work Plan for the Triennium 2013-2015 |
AC19/Doc.13-01 |
Report on Administrative Issues 2011/2012 |
AC19/Doc.13-02 |
CMS COP10 Document:The Merger of the CMS and ASCOBANS Secretariat Functions |
AC19/Doc.13-03 restricted |
Report on Budgetary Issues 2011 |
AC19/Doc.14-01 restricted |
Draft Resolution: Management of Expenditures between 2009 and 2011 |
AC19/Doc.14-03 restricted |
Budget Proposals 2013-2015 or 2013-2016 |
AC19/Doc.14-04 |
Draft Rules of Procedure for the Meeting of the Parties to ASCOBANS |