Workshop on the Further Development of Management Procedures for Defining the Threshold of ‘Unacceptable Interactions’ - Part I: Developing a Shared Understanding on the Use of Thresholds / Environmental Limits

The location on the map is approximate!


This one-day workshop will take place on 10 July 2015 in London, United Kingdom, upon kind invitation of the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs. Coffee will be served at 9:15am, and the meeting is foreseen to start at 9:30am. The room is available until 6pm, but it seems likely the meeting will close earlier.

Participants are kindly invited to download documents as they become available. 

Information for Participants containing details on the venue, hotel reservations and local transport has been circulated by email.

Should you experience problems in downloading documents or require any other assistance, please contact Bettina Reinartz and Heidrun Frisch at

10 Jul 2015 09:30 to 10 Jul 2015 10:00
Registration Deadline08/06/2015
CountryUnited Kingdom
VenueDefra, Nobel House, 17 Smith Square

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Number Title Files
WS/UnacceptableInteractions/Part-I/2015 Inf.01 ASCOBANS Agreement Text
WS/UnacceptableInteractions/Part-I/2015 Inf.02 Resolution 2.3 Incidental Take of Small Cetaceans
WS/UnacceptableInteractions/Part-I/2015 Inf.03 Resolution 3.3 Incidental Take of Small Cetaceans
WS/UnacceptableInteractions/Part-I/2015 Inf.04 Resolution 4.6 Incidental Take of Small Cetaceans
WS/UnacceptableInteractions/Part-I/2015 Inf.05 Resolution 5.5 Incidental Take of Small Cetaceans
WS/UnacceptableInteractions/Part-I/2015 Inf.06 Towards Development of Conservation Objectives for ASCOBANS
WS/UnacceptableInteractions/Part-I/2015 Inf.07 Extracts from AC Reports
WS/UnacceptableInteractions/Part-I/2015 Inf.08 Societal decisions required for the determination of safe bycatch limits for harbour porpoise, common dolphin and bottlenose dolphin
WS/UnacceptableInteractions/Part-I/2015 Inf.09 Societal decisions required for the determination of safe bycatch limits for harbour porpoise, common dolphin and bottlenose dolphin - PPT Slides
WS/UnacceptableInteractions/Part-I/2015 Inf.10 Terms of Reference for a Working Group for the Further Development of Management Procedures for Defining the Threshold of ‘Unacceptable Interactions’
WS/UnacceptableInteractions/Part-I/2015 Inf.11 Report of the Working Group for the Further Development of Management Procedures for Defining the Threshold of ‘Unacceptable Interactions’
WS/UnacceptableInteractions/Part-I/2015 Inf.12 Report of the Joint ACCOBAMS/ASCOBANS Working Group on the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD)
WS/UnacceptableInteractions/Part-I/2015 Inf.13 ICES Advice May 2014: OSPAR Request on Implementation of MSFD for Marine Mammals
WS/UnacceptableInteractions/Part-I/2015 Inf.14 Comparison of methods for estimating bycatch limits
WS/UnacceptableInteractions/Part-I/2015 Inf.15 New information on impact of fisheries on components of the ecosystem
WS/UnacceptableInteractions/Part-I/2015 Inf.16 ICES Report of the Working Group on Marine Mammal Ecology (WGMME)
WS/UnacceptableInteractions/Part-I/2015 Inf.17 Improved abundance and trend estimates for sperm whales in the eastern North Pacific from Bayesian hierarchical modeling
WS/UnacceptableInteractions/Part-I/2015 Inf.18 Overview of the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) - PPT Slides
WS/UnacceptableInteractions/Part-I/2015 Inf.19 Marine Mammal Stock Assessments - Overview - PPT Slides
WS/UnacceptableInteractions/Part-I/2015 Inf.20 Stock Assessment Process – Understanding the Marine Mammal Protection Act - PPT Slides
WS/UnacceptableInteractions/Part-I/2015 Inf.21 Potential Biological Removal Management Framework under the Marine Mammal Protection Act - PPT Slides
WS/UnacceptableInteractions/Part-I/2015 Inf.22 The short-beaked common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) in the north-east Atlantic: distribution, ecology, management and conservation status
WS/UnacceptableInteractions/Part-I/2015 Inf.23 Preliminary assessment and bycatch limits for northeast Atlantic common dolphins
WS/UnacceptableInteractions/Part-I/2015 Inf.24 Setting Maximum Mortality Limits for Harbour Porpoises in Dutch Waters to Achieve Conservation Objectives
WS/UnacceptableInteractions/Part-I/2015 Inf.25 Progress Report to the IWC on The Agreement on the Conservation of Small Cetaceans of the Baltic and North Seas (ASCOBANS), October 1997-May 1998
WS/UnacceptableInteractions/Part-I/2015 Inf.26 Developing management procedures that are robust to uncertainty: lessons from the International Whaling Commission
WS/UnacceptableInteractions/Part-I/2015 Inf.27 Environmentalists, Fishermen, Cetaceans and Fish: Is There a Balance and Can Science Help to Find it?
WS/UnacceptableInteractions/Part-I/2015 Inf.28 Report of the ASCOBANS Expert Workshop on the Requirements of Legislation to Address Monitoring and Mitigation of Small Cetacean Bycatch
WS/UnacceptableInteractions/Part-I/2015 Inf.29 Recommendations from ASCOBANS Working Groups on EU Bycatch Legislation Workshop Report, 21-23 Jan 2015
WS/UnacceptableInteractions/Part-I/2015 Inf.30 DRAFT Recommendations of ASCOBANS on the Requirements of Legislation to Address Monitoring and Mitigation of Small Cetacean Bycatch
WS/UnacceptableInteractions/Part-I/2015 Inf.31 Comments by Whale and Dolphin Conservation, WDC on the Report of the ASCOBANS Expert Workshop on the Requirements of Legislation to Address Monitoring and Mitigation of Small Cetacean Bycatch
WS/UnacceptableInteractions/Part-I/2015 Inf.32 Report of the IWC-ASCOBANS Working Group on Harbour Porpoises (2000)
WS/UnacceptableInteractions/Part-I/2015 Inf.33 CMS Resolution 11.23 Conservation Implications of Cetacean Culture
AC22/Inf.4.1.c Report of the Workshop on Further Development of Management Procedures for Defining the Threshold of ‘Unacceptable Interactions’ – Part I: Developing a Shared Understanding on the Use of Thresholds / Environmental Limits