16th Meeting of the Jastarnia Group


Harbour Porpoise © F. Graner

The meeting will review progress under the ASCOBANS Recovery Plan for Harbour Porpoises (Jastarnia Plan) and the ASCOBANS Conservation Plan for the Harbour Porpoise Population in the Western Baltic, the Belt Sea and the Kattegat (WBBK Plan); learn about complementary initiatives; and aim to move implementation forward.

Online registration

Please register for the meeting here  by 25 May 2020. Only Jastarnia Group Members, their Advisers, a representative of the ASCOBANS North Sea Group and invited experts may participate in the meeting. Kindly refer to the Terms of Reference of the Jastarnia Group.


Documents will be uploaded as they become available. Should you experience challenges in online registration or downloading documents, or require any other assistance, please contact ascobans.secretariat@ascobans.org

08 Jun 2020 to 09 Jun 2020
Registration Deadline25/05/2020
OrganizerASCOBANS Secretariat
TypeWorking Group
VenueVirtual / Online

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Download all files of this section in
Number Title Files
ASCOBANS/JG16/Inf.1.1 Online Meeting Protocol for JG16
ASCOBANS/JG16/Inf.1.2 Rules of Procedure for the ASCOBANS Advisory Committee
ASCOBANS/JG16/Inf.3.1 ICES Special Request Advice: EU request on emergency measures to prevent bycatch of common dolphin and Baltic Proper harbour porpoise in the Northeast Atlantic
ASCOBANS/JG16/Inf.3.3 Outcome of the OSPAR-HELCOM workshop to examine possibilities for developing indicators for incidental by-catch of birds and marine mammals
ASCOBANS/JG16/Inf.3.4a Readdressing the CMS listing of species in the ASCOBANS region
ASCOBANS/JG16/Inf.3.4b Format for Proposals to Amend CMS Appendices
ASCOBANS/JG16/Inf.3.4c Draft Proposal for the Inclusion of the Baltic Proper Harbour Porpoise on Appendix I of CMS
ASCOBANS/JG16/Inf.3.9 Provisional Programme and Schedule - ASCOBANS Workshop on Management of MPAs for Small Cetaceans
ASCOBANS/JG16/Inf.4 Action Points from JG15
ASCOBANS/JG16/Inf.6 Terms of Reference for the Jastarnia Group
ASCOBANS/MOP9/Inf.6.1.1b/Rev.2 Progress Report on the Jastarnia Plan (2020)
ASCOBANS/MOP9/Inf.6.1.2 Progress Report on the Conservation Plan for the Harbour Porpoise Population in the Western Baltic, the Belt Sea and the Kattegat 2020
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Number Title Files
ASCOBANS/JG16/Pres.2.1 Overview Report on Progress 2019-2020 under the Jastarnia and WBBK Action Plans
ASCOBANS/JG16/Pres.2.2a National Progress Report: Denmark
ASCOBANS/JG16/Pres.2.2b National Progress Report: Finland
ASCOBANS/JG16/Pres.2.2c National Progress Report: Sweden
ASCOBANS/JG16/Pres.2.2d Monitoring of Bycatch of Protected Species in Sweden
ASCOBANS/JG16/Pres.2.2e National Progress Report: Germany
ASCOBANS/JG16/Pres.3.1 ICES Special Request Advice on Emergency Measures to Prevent Bycatch of Baltic Proper Harbor Porpoise (Phocoena Phocoena)
ASCOBANS/JG16/Pres.3.2 The EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030
ASCOBANS/JG16/Pres.3.3a The HELCOM Roadmap on Fisheries Data in Order to Assess Incidental Bycatches and Fisheries Impact on Benthic Biotopes in the Baltic Sea
ASCOBANS/JG16/Pres.3.3b HELCOM Work on Harbor Porpoise 2019-2020
ASCOBANS/JG16/Pres.3.4 Update from CMS
ASCOBANS/JG16/Pres.3.5 SAMBAH II Life Update
ASCOBANS/JG16/Pres.3.7a Data on Cetaceans Strandings over the Years in Polish Waters
ASCOBANS/JG16/Pres.3.7b Munitions Clearing as Possible Cause of Death for Unusually High Harbor Porpoise Stranding Numbers
ASCOBANS/JG16/Pres.3.7c Gillnet Modifications to Reduce Harbor Porpoise Bycatch
ASCOBANS/JG16/Pres.3.7d Recent Porpoise Research Fjord&Baelt
ASCOBANS/JG16/Pres.3.8a Insights from Necropsy Examinations of Harbor Porpoises in Sweden
ASCOBANS/JG16/Pres.3.8b ASCOBANS MPA Workshop on Small Cetaceans