11 December 2020 - A new citizen science app ‘Sea Watcher’ has been released to log sightings of marine megafauna in the European waters. The main focus in on cetaceans and seals, but also basking shark, sunfish, and leatherback turtle are included.
It can be used during a coastal walk, a watch from a fixed point, or from any vessel offshore. Therefore the app is for everyone: ferry operators, tanker watch crew, fishers - as well as cetacean enthusiasts, students, and members of the public. The information collected will be used to understand which species are seen where and when, and to highlight changes over time. It is also important to record when looking out for marine wildlife but none is spotted.
The app also includes species fact sheets, species videos, code of conduct for vessel-based observations, and much more. Check out the introductory video here and consider downloading the app - sightings can be recorded from land or sea! Freely available on Google Play and Apple Store.
The information generated by the app will be used by researchers from all collaborating bodies to better understand marine mammal distribution, behaviour and conservation status, helping to inform management authorities and for the public to actively contribute to marine mammal research.
The Sea Watcher App, 'About'
The 'Sea Watcher' app is a product of SEACAMS Project (Sustainable Expansion of the Applied Coastal and Marine Sectors) between Bangor University, the Sea Watch Foundation and Nova Innovation. SEACAMS is funded through the European Regional Development Fund.
Last updated on 11 December 2020