Season's Greetings from the ASCOBANS Secretariat

Dear Friends of ASCOBANS,

It has been an exceptional year for all of us, with many difficulties and challenges.  Yet small cetaceans continue to need our help. We were able to continue our work, holding numerous online meetings including the successful 9th Meeting of the Parties of ASCOBANS.  We would like to share our deep gratitude for supporting ASCOBANS.  A special ‘thank you’ to all of you involved in various ASCOBANS working groups and meetings – your time and contributions are much valued. For an overview of news in 2020, have a look at the ASCOBANS Newsletter.   

We wish you a peaceful holiday season and look forward to a healthy and happy new year!

Amy, Melanie, Jenny, and Bettina


Last updated on 17 December 2020

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