ECS-ACCOBAMS-ASCOBANS Workshop: Current cetacean bycatch issues in European waters


Photo: Tilen Genov, Morigenos

Photo © Tilen Genov, Morigenos

The Secretariats of ACCOBAMS and ASCOBANS are co-organizing an ECS Workshop ACCOBAMS-ASCOBANS Joint Bycatch Working Group (JBWG) - Current cetacean bycatch issues in European waters, which will take place in O Grove, Galicia, Spain, on Monday afternoon, 17 April 2023, as part of the 34th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society. 

The objective is to share information on the current status of bycatch issues identified as of greatest concern in European seas, and to discuss how we can mitigate such bycatch. Tentative programme includes Baltic harbour porpoise, Black Sea cetaceans, Bay of Biscay common dolphin, advances in potential mitigation measures, and discussion on task assignment of the JBWG Programme of Work. (More information on JBWG of ACCOBAMS and ASCOBANS can be found here.)

If you are interested in attending this workshop, please register here by 20 March 2023.  (In case there are more registrations than seats available, priority would then be given to JBWG members.) Unfortunately, we won’t be able to cover travel costs.

For any questions contact Jenny Renell (ASCOBANS) or Celia Le Ravallec (ACCOBAMS).

17 Apr 2023 14:00 to 17 Apr 2023 18:00
Registration Deadline20/03/2023
CityO Grove, Galicia
VenueHotel Louxo La Toja - Salon Cies, Isla de la Toja, s/n, Rúa Cortegada

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