Terms of Reference for the
on the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD)
This working group will operate by correspondence. It should coordinate and cooperate closely with other relevant scientific bodies and working groups within both Agreements, in particular the sub-regional working groups. It should also liaise with relevant working groups established by other international bodies, such as HELCOM, OSPAR and ICES as well as national processes.
With a view to ensuring that cetacean conservation issues are adequately taken account of in the framework of ongoing work related to the MFSD, the joint ACCOBAMS/ASCOBANS working group on the MSFD will:
1) Collect information on how the implementation of the MSFD is furthered in the various relevant regional fora with regard to (small) cetaceans (e.g. OSPAR, ICES, …)
2) In close cooperation with other scientific bodies and working groups within both Agreements, ensure consistency and identify gaps in the implementation of the MSFD with regard to (small) cetaceans in these regional fora
3) Liaise with scientific bodies and working groups within ACCOBAMS/ASCOBANS that work on matters relevant to the implementation of the MSFD
4) Report back on the conclusions of its work to the relevant working groups of ACCOBAMS/ASCOBANS, and to its relevant scientific and technical bodies
5) Ensure that the conclusions of its work are brought to the attention of the relevant groups working on the implementation of the MSFD
6) Prepare draft ToR for work within ACCOBAMS/ASCOBANS related to the further implementation of the MSFD after 2014