19th Meeting of the Jastarnia Group

The 19th Meeting of the Steering Group for the ASCOBANS Recovery Plan for Baltic Harbour Porpoises (Jastarnia Plan) and the Conservation Plan for the Harbour Porpoise Population in the Western Baltic, the Belt Sea and the Kattegat (Western Baltic Conservation Plan) took place online from 20 to 22 March 2023. Chaired by Dr. Ida Carlén, progress on the implementation of the Jastarnia and the Western Baltic Conservation Plan was discussed. Country representatives provided an overview of national activities to conserve the harbour porpoise since the last meeting .

27 March 2023

11th Meeting of the North Sea Group

The 11th Meeting of the Steering Group for the ASCOBANS Conservation Plan for Harbour Porpoises in the North Sea (the North Sea Group) took place online from 14 to 15 February 2023.  Chaired by Prof. Peter Evans (Bangor University & Sea Watch Foundation UK), the aim of the meeting was to exchange countries' updates on the implementation of actions listed in the Conservation Plan.

20 February 2023

2022 Season's Greetings from the ASCOBANS Secretariat

Check out also the ASCOBANS Newsletter for an overview of news in 2022!

20 December 2022

Call for Expressions of Interest: Coordination of the Jastarnia and WBBK Plans

The ASCOBANS Secretariat is welcoming Expressions of Interest (EOI) from organisations and individuals to provide technical coordination for the implementation of the ASCOBANS Recovery Plan for the Baltic Harbour Porpoises (Jastarnia Plan), and ASCOBANS Conservation Plan for the Harbour Porpoise Population in the Western Baltic, the Belt Sea and the Kattegat (WBBK Plan).

20 December 2022

Internship Opportunities at the CMS Aquatic Species Team in 2023

Are you a university student or a recent graduate?  Are you interested in aquatic migratory species?  Are you interested in the work of a multilateral environmental agreement of the United Nations?  If your answer is yes, consider applying for an internship in our Aquatic Species Team! (CMS, ASCOBANS, Sharks MOU, IOSEA Marine Turtle MOU, Dugong MOU)

19 December 2022

3rd Meeting of the ASCOBANS Common Dolphin Group

The 3rd Meeting of the Steering Group for the ASCOBANS Species Action Plan (SAP) for the North-East Atlantic Common Dolphin (Common Dolphin Group) was held online from 15 to 16 November 2022. Attended by 30 participants from France, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, the UK, European Commission, ACCOBAMS, and a number of NGOs and academic institutions, CDG3 discussed progress in SAP implementation and a number of other topics feeding into that progress.

21 November 2022

27th Meeting of the ASCOBANS Advisory Committee

The 27th meeting of the ASCOBANS Advisory Committee (AC27) took place online, for the second consecutive time, from 28 to 30 September 2022. This meeting covered bycatch, resource depletion, marine debris, surveys and research, and use of stranding records, as requested in ASCOBANS Resolution 8.1 (Rev.MOP9).

04 October 2022

Call for Expressions of Interest: Develop Guidelines for Cetacean-friendly Marine Spatial Planning

The ASCOBANS Secretariat is welcoming Expressions of Interest (EOI) from organisations or individuals to develop guidelines for cetacean-friendly Marine Spatial Planning for the ASCOBANS region.  

22 September 2022

Call for Expressions of Interest: Coordination of the Species Action Plan for North-East Atlantic Common Dolphin

The ASCOBANS Secretariat is welcoming Expressions of Interest (EOI) from qualified organizations or individuals to provide coordination of the ASCOBANS Species Action Plan for North-East Atlantic Common Dolphin (or the "Common Dolphin SAP").

27 June 2022

Call for Expressions of Interest: Review of the North Sea Plan

The ASCOBANS Secretariat is welcoming Expressions of Interest (EOI) from qualified organisations or individuals to review and update the ASCOBANS Conservation Plan for Harbour Porpoises (Phocoena phocoena L.) in the North Sea (or the “North Sea Plan”).

21 June 2022