8th Meeting of the Advisory Committee

The location on the map is approximate!
02 Apr 2001 to 05 Apr 2001

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Number Title Files
AC8/Doc.1_Rev.1 Provisional Draft Agenda
AC8/Doc.1a Draft Annotated Agenda
AC8/Doc.2a Provisional List of Documents by Agenda Item
AC8/Doc.3 Draft Amended Rules of Procedure for the ASCOBANS Advisory Committee
AC8/Doc.4 Report of the ASCOBANS Baltic Discussion GroupSubmitted by: The SecretariatASCOBANS
AC8/Doc.5 Report by A. Read "Potential Mitigation Measures for Reducing the By-catches ofSmall Cetaceans in ASCOBANS Waters"
AC8/Doc.6_Rev.1 Information submitted by Parties and Range States in response to post mortemresearch questionnaire
AC8/Doc.7 Report for the 8th Meeting of the ASCOBANS Advisory Committee on Poland'sActivities in the Field of Popularising the Problems of the Status and the Protection ofSmall Cetaceans in the Baltic
AC8/Doc.8 Statement by the World Wide Fund for Nature
AC8/Doc.8a Statement by the World Wide Fund for Nature - Appendix III
AC8/Doc.9 Disturbance by high-speed ferries. Secretariat's update
AC8/Doc.10 EPIC - Elimination of Harbour Porpoise Incidental CatchesProject no. DG XIV 97/0006. Final Report for the period 1 June 1998 - 31 July 2000
AC8/Doc.11 Report on meeting between ASCOBANS and EU Commission
AC8/Doc.12 Military Noise: A statement of concern from WDCS*
AC8/Doc.13 Questionnaire on national legislation on cetacean conservation in ACCOBAMS Range States
AC8/Doc.14 Inventory of Research Programmes in the Cetaceans Sanctuary - 2001Submitted by: ACCOBAMSASCOBANS
AC8/Doc.15 Letter by K. C. Balcomb to J. S. Johnson referred to in Document AC8/Doc.12(O)Military Noise: A statement of concern from WDCS
AC8/Doc.16 P. S. Hammond, "Small Cetacean abundance in the North Sea and adjacent waters: a preproposalfor a survey to update and extend knowledge"
AC8/Doc.17 Outline and Terms of Reference for a Workshop Aimed at Drafting a Recovery Planfor Harbour Porpoises in the Baltic Sea
AC8/Doc.18 By-catch issues: Implementation of Resolution 3, MOP 3. Letter from the Danish Minister to EU Commissioner Fischler*
AC8/Doc.19 Fisheries Statistics. Data submitted by Parties
AC8/Doc.20 Disturbance by seismic surveys. Data submitted by Parties
AC8/Doc.21 Report by the United Kingdom to ASCOBANS on Military Activities in the AgreementArea during 2000
AC8/Doc.22 Dates of interest to ASCOBANS in 2001/2002
AC8/Doc.23_Restricted Provisional Audit Report on the ASCOBANS Budget 2000
AC8/Doc.24 Budgetary Issues. Party Contributions for 2001 - 2003
AC8/Doc.25 Per Berggren, "Proposal for Baltic Sea harbour porpoise abundance survey"
AC8/Doc.26 Southward extension of the Agreement area. M. Sequeira, "Portuguese waters in ASCOBANS: a preliminary report"
AC8/Doc.27 Peter GH Evans, "Suggestions for the Establishment of an ASCOBANS AdvisoryCommittee Working Group on Monitoring"
AC8/Doc.28 Statement by the International Baltic Sea Fisheries Commission
AC8/Doc.29 Report of the Nordic sub-Group on Research Priorities for ASCOBANS,Charlottenlund, 14th February 2001
AC8/Doc.30 References concerning marine pollution relevant to ASCOBANS
AC8/Doc.31 Progress on Accession of Range States
AC8/Doc.32 Establishment of a comprehensive 2001-2003 TriennialWorkplan
AC8/Doc.33 Statement by the International Whaling Commission