28th Meeting of the Advisory Committee Concluded in Bonn
ASCOBANS AC28 took place from 26 to 28 September 2023 in Bonn, Germany, at the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV). The meeting discussed key issues such as cetacean watching industry, recreational sea use, pollution and hazardous substances, ship strikes, climate change, and MPAs.
19th Meeting of the Jastarnia Group
The 19th Meeting of the Steering Group for the ASCOBANS Recovery Plan for Baltic Harbour Porpoises (Jastarnia Plan) and the Conservation Plan for the Harbour Porpoise Population in the Western Baltic, the Belt Sea and the Kattegat (Western Baltic Conservation Plan) took place online from 20 to 22 March 2023. |
11th Meeting of the North Sea Group
The 11th Meeting of the Steering Group for the ASCOBANS Conservation Plan for Harbour Porpoises in the North Sea (the North Sea Group) took place online from 14 to 15 February 2023. The aim of the meeting was to exchange countries' updates on the implementation of actions listed in the Conservation Plan. |
Technical Workshop on Developing Guidelines for Cetacean-sensitive Maritime Spatial Planning
A technical workshop was organized on 27-28 June 2023, online, to present an overview of the feedback received to the draft Guidelines for cetacean-sensitive marine spatial planning, and to discuss any points that need to be solved before the draft could be presented to the ASCOBANS Advisory Committee. |
Conservation Objective Workshops
The ASCOBANS Secretariat held two workshops in April and May 2023, to review the appropriateness of current ASCOBANS conservation objectives. |
Workshop on current cetacean bycatch issues in European waters
The Secretariats of ACCOBAMS and ASCOBANS co-organized an ECS Workshop on current cetacean bycatch issues in European waters, which took take place in O Grove, Galicia, Spain, on 17 April 2023, as part of the 34th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society. The objective was to share information, and to discuss how such bycatch can be mitigated. |
Workshop on Scoping the Development of a European Marine Strandings Database
The workshop on Scoping the Development of a European Marine Strandings Database was organized on 16 April 2023, in O Grove, Galicia, Spain, as part of ECS 2023. The aim of the workshop was to scope the feasibility of such a database through discussion with stranding networks across Europe. |
Marine Debris Workshop - New and Emerging Aspects
The Secretariats of ASCOBANS and ACCOBAMS jointly organized a workshop on Marine Debris - New and Emerging Aspects, on 15 April 2023 in O Grove, Galicia, Spain, a day before the start of the 34th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society and its associated workshops. |