Distribution and relative abundance of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) over Dogger Bank and surrounding waters, Southern North Sea

This project is particularly pertinent in terms of assessing the status and seasonal movements of the North Sea population of harbour porpoises (as specified under 2a of the Annex of the Agreement and Action 7 of the Conservation Plan for harbour porpoises). The proposed surveys will improve existing methods with the combination of visual, acoustic and aerial methodologies. Overall, the work will aid the implementation of the Conservation Plan for Harbour Porpoises in the North Sea (Action Point 8 of the Triennium Work Plan). In addition, this project demonstrates close cooperation amongst governmental and non-governmental organisations working in partnership to improve knowledge and conservation of harbour porpoises within waters of the ASCOBANS agreement.

Habitat Conservation and Management. Harmonising methodologies for harbour porpoise acoustic surveys and promoting the exchange of ideas and understanding across field workers, analysts and those with management and conservation responsibilities.

Survey results contributing to baseline data on the distribution of North Sea porpoises and providing novel acoustic data to update on the last SCANS survey conducted in 2005.

Description:Offer training course in planning, set-up, data collection and analysis to nominated participants
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Description:Coordinate vessel surveys with aerial survey efforts where logistically possible
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Description:Data analysis and preparation of reports
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No pictures for Distribution and relative abundance of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) over Dogger Bank and surrounding waters, Southern North Sea

Implementing AgencyMarine Conservation Research International
Collaborating agenciesInternational Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), sponsor Anita Gilles, Forschungs- und Technologiezentrum Westküste (FTZ), collaborator and possible sponsor

Activity start dateOctober 2011
Activity end dateApril 2012
CMS AppendixAppendix II
Taxonomic groupMarine mammals
Target countryDenmark, Germany, Netherlands, United Kingdom
Final technical reportYes

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