12 January 2011 - As in previous years, the ASCOBANS Secretariat expects to be able to support a few research and conservation projects in 2011from savings made on the previous year's budget. At the next Advisory Committee Meeting, to be held in May 2011, Parties will make a decision regarding the utilization of the expected surplus.
To apply for funding for your project through ASCOBANS, please use this form.
The general conditions of funding are outlined in the document and give information on the type of project we can support through the Agreement. The maximum sum the Agreement will spend on any one project is 15,000 Euro. Co-funding from other institutions is welcome. All projects should clearly outline how they would contribute to achieving the conservation objectives of ASCOBANS. The deadline for submission to the Secretariat is 15 February 2011.
For any questions, please contact the ASCOBANS Secretariat.
Last updated on 25 March 2014