ASCOBANS Parties Make Recommendations for Tackling Small Cetacean Bycatch in Europe

Bonn – On 30 October 2015, the Executive Secretary of ASCOBANS, on behalf of the Agreement’s ten Parties, transmitted to the European Commission the outcomes of a one-year process to develop a common position of ASCOBANS Parties relating to the requirements of legislation to address monitoring and mitigation of small cetacean bycatch.

02 November 2015

CMS Family Joins UN Day Celebrations in Bonn

26 October 2015 - The CMS Family Secretariats joined other UN Bonn-based agencies and international organizations to celebrate the annual UN Day this weekend.

25 October 2015

22nd ASCOBANS Advisory Committee Meeting Paves Way for Meeting of the Parties in 2016

The Hague/Bonn – The ASCOBANS Advisory Committee, a body set up to provide advice and information to Party States on the conservation and management of small cetaceans, convened its 22nd

06 October 2015

Celebrating the Baltic Harbour Porpoise - Reports of the 13th IDBHP

For the last 13 years, the 3rd Sunday in May has been used to celebrate the International Day of the Baltic Harbour Porpoise (IDBHP) around the shores of the Baltic Sea.

25 August 2015

International Day for Biological Diversity

On behalf of the CMS Family, Bradnee Chambers, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Migratory Species has issued the following statement

21 May 2015

Jastarnia Group 11 Makes Recommendations for the Implementation of two Harbour Porpoise Action Plans

At the kind invitation of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, the ASCOBANS Jastarnia Group held its 11th Meeting at the Ozeaneum in Stralsund, Germany on 10 and 11 March 2015. The Group, made up of 18 experts representing the environmental and fisheries sectors of their countries, as well as civil society and the ASCOBANS Secretariat, discussed progress in the implementation of the two action plans adopted for harbour porpoises in the wider Baltic Sea region.

12 March 2015

World Wildlife Day

Today is World Wildlife Day, chosen as it marks the anniversary of the signing of CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) one of the two international treaties dedicated to the conservation of wildlife

03 March 2015

Exhibition "The Last 300" on the Baltic Harbour Porpoise

As part of a collaboration with nature protection organizations Whale and Dolphin Conservation, NABU and OceanCare, ASCOBANS is co-organizing an exhibition on the Baltic harbour porpoise in the German Oceanographic Museum in Stralsund, Germany.

12 January 2015

Season's Greetings!

Season's Greetings!

19 December 2014

SAMBAH Project Releases Population Estimate and Identifies Breeding Area of Baltic Harbour Porpoises

Kolmården/Bonn – For many years, lack of data on the distribution and abundance of the unique harbour porpoise population in the Baltic Sea has been one of the key obstacles to taking targeted action for their protection. Now, thanks to the EU Life+-funded SAMBAH (Static Acoustic Monitoring of the Baltic Sea Harbour Porpoise) project, for the first time these key questions have received reliable answers.

15 December 2014