4th Meeting of the North Sea Group

The location on the map is approximate!


The Draft Agenda and other relevant documents are available below. Some external reports are also being made available on the AC Workspace (log-in required).

To register for the 4th Meeting of the ASCOBANS North Sea Group, please use the AC21 Registration Form and tick the check box at the bottom of the page. If you are planning to attend only the NSG4 meeting, please inform the Secretariat by email after you have registered.

28 Sep 2014 09:00
Registration Deadline30/08/2014
OrganizerASCOBANS Secretariat
TypeWorking Group
VenueHotel Riverton

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Download all files of this section in
Number Title Files
NSG4/Agenda/Rev.1 Draft Agenda for the 4th North Sea Group Meeting
AC21/Doc.2.2.1.a Report of the 3rd Meeting of the North Sea Group
AC21/Doc.2.2.1.b Rev.1 Interim Report on the Implementation of the ASCOBANS North Sea Conservation Plan for Harbour Porpoises
AC21/Doc.3.1.1.a Rev.1 Report of the Bycatch Working Group (AC21)
AC21/Doc.3.1.1.b Report of the Working Group for the Further Development of Management Procedures for Defining the Threshold of ‘Unacceptable Interactions’
AC21/Doc.13.3.1 Report of the Joint ACCOBAMS/ASCOBANS Working Group on the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD)
AC20/Doc.3.1.b ICES 2013: Report of the Workshop on Bycatch of Cetaceans and other Protected Species (WKBYC)
AC20/Doc.3.1.c ICES Special request, Advice April 2013: Request from EU concerning monitoring of bycatch of cetaceans and other protected species
AC17/Doc.4-07 Report of the ASCOBANS/ECS Cetacean By-catch Mitigation Workshop
AC20/Doc.7 Quick Guide for the ASCOBANS Advisory Committee Workspace
Download all files of this section in
Number Title Files
AC21/Inf.3.1.a ICES 2014: Report of the Working Group on Bycatch of Protected Species (WGBYC)
AC21/Inf.3.1.b ICES Advice April 2014: Bycatch of small cetaceans and other marine animals – Review of national reports under Council Regulation (EC) No. 812/2004 and other published documents
AC21/Inf.3.1.c Proposal for a Regulation of The European Parliament and of the Council laying down a prohibition on driftnet fisheries
AC21/Inf.3.2.2.a Concept for the Protection of Harbour Porpoises from Sound Exposures during the Construction of Offshore Wind Farms in the German North Sea
AC21/Inf.6.1.a Project Report: Enhanced detection of harbour porpoises prior to ramming, seismic blasts and ammunition clearance: design and construction of a PAL-porpoise detector (PPD)
AC21/Inf.6.1.b Interim Project Report: Examine habitat exclusion and long term effect of pingers
AC21/Inf.6.1.c Interim Project Report: Small Cetaceans in European Atlantic waters and the North Sea (SCANS-III)
AC21/Inf.13.3.a ICES Advice June 2013: Request from EU for Scientific advice on data collection issues
AC21/Inf.13.3.b ICES Advice November 2013: Request from EU for scientific advice on data collection issues – part 2
NSG4/Inf.3.1 Estimated bycatch of harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) in two coastal gillnet fisheries in Norway, 2006–2008. Mitigation and implications for conservation
NSG4/Inf.3.1.1.a UK: Annual report on the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No 812/2004 – 2012
NSG4/Inf.3.1.1.b UK: Annual report on the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No 812/2004 during 2013
NSG4/Inf.3.3.1 SR673; Report on the Current State of DriftNet Fisheries in the UK; June 2014
NSG4/Inf.3.3 Bycatch of Vulnerable Species: Understanding the Process and Mitigating the Impacts
NSG4/Inf.4.1 Protection of Marine Mammals in the Marine Environment New Acoustic Strategies
NSG4/Inf.4.3 The Banana Pinger Trial: Investigation into the Fishtek Banana Pinger to reduce cetacean bycatch in an inshore set net fishery
NSG4/Inf.5 Monitoring von marinen Säugetieren 2013 in der deutschen Nord- und Ostsee (incl. English Summary)