MOP Resolutions in Effect

Document Number Title
UNEP/ASCOBANS/Resolution 9.6 Financial and Administrative Matters 2021-2024
UNEP/ASCOBANS/Resolution 9.4 Food Availability and Resource Depletion
UNEP/ASCOBANS/Resolution 9.3 Marine Debris
UNEP/ASCOBANS/Resolution 9.2 The Baltic Proper Harbour Porpoise
UNEP/ASCOBANS/Resolution 9.1 Work Plan for the ASCOBANS Advisory Committee and Secretariat 2021-2024
UNEP/ASCOBANS/Resolution 8.9 Managing Cumulative Anthropogenic Impacts in the Marine Environment
UNEP/ASCOBANS/Resolution 8.8 Addressing the Threats from Underwater Munitions
UNEP/ASCOBANS/Resolution 8.7 Impacts of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)
UNEP/ASCOBANS/Resolution 8.6 Ocean Energy
UNEP/ASCOBANS/Resolution 8.5 (Rev.MOP9) Monitoring and Mitigation of Small Cetacean Bycatch
UNEP/ASCOBANS/Resolution 8.4 (Rev.MOP9) Conservation of Common Dolphins
UNEP/ASCOBANS/Resolution 8.3 Revision of the Recovery Plan for Baltic Harbour Porpoises (Jastarnia Plan)
UNEP/ASCOBANS/Resolution 8.11 (Rev.MOP9) CMS Family Guidelines on Environmental Impact Assessment for Marine Noise-generating Activities
UNEP/ASCOBANS/Resolution 8.10 (Rev.MOP9) Small Cetacean Stranding Response
UNEP/ASCOBANS/Resolution 7.7 Application of Article 6.1 of the Agreement
UNEP/ASCOBANS/Resolution 7.4 Impacts of Chemical Pollution on Small Cetaceans
UNEP/ASCOBANS/Resolution 7.3 Research and Conservation Actions in the Extension of the Agreement Area
UNEP/ASCOBANS/Resolution 7.1 Conservation of Harbour Porpoises and Adoption of a Conservation Plan for the Western Baltic, the Belt Sea and Kattegat
UNEP/ASCOBANS/Resolution 6.2 Adverse Effects of Underwater Noise on Marine Mammals during Offshore Construction Activities for Renewable Energy Production
UNEP/ASCOBANS/Resolution 6.1 Adoption and Implementation of the Jastarnia and North Sea Plans
UNEP/ASCOBANS/Resolution 5.8 Educational and Promotional Activities
UNEP/ASCOBANS/Resolution 5.7 Research on Habitat Quality, Health and Status of Small Cetaceans in the Agreement Area
UNEP/ASCOBANS/Resolution 5.5 Incidental Take of Small Cetaceans
UNEP/ASCOBANS/Resolution 5.4 Adverse Effects of Sound, Vessels and Other Forms of Disturbance on Small Cetaceans
UNEP/ASCOBANS/Resolution 5.3 Extension of the ASCOBANS Agreement Area
UNEP/ASCOBANS/Resolution 5.2d Joining the forces of ASCOBANS and CMS for improved management and Operation of the ASCOBANS Secretariat
UNEP/ASCOBANS/Resolution 4.7 Cetacean Populations in the ASCOBANS Area
UNEP/ASCOBANS/Resolution 4.4 Extension of the ASCOBANS Agreement Area
UNEP/ASCOBANS/Resolution 4.1 Headquarters Agreement for and Juridical Personality of the Agreement Secretariat
UNEP/ASCOBANS/Resolution 3.5 Monitoring, Status and Populations Studies
UNEP/ASCOBANS/Resolution 3.3 Incidental Take of Small Cetaceans
UNEP/ASCOBANS/Resolution 3.1 Integration of the ASCOBANS Secretariat into the Agreements Unit of UNEP/CMS
UNEP/ASCOBANS/Resolution 1.5 Establish the Advisory Committee