
Meeting Start date Status Country CMS Instrument
Joint ACCOBAMS-ASCOBANS workshop with navies on underwater noise and cetaceans 26/11/2024 France ACCOBAMS, ASCOBANS
ECS-ASCOBANS Workshop on recreational activities and their impact on cetaceans 09/04/2024 Concluded Italy ASCOBANS
ECS-ASCOBANS Workshop No.2: Development of a European Marine Strandings Database 09/04/2024 Concluded Italy ASCOBANS
ECS-ASCOBANS Workshop: Protecting the lesser-known cetaceans of the NE Atlantic 08/04/2024 Concluded Italy ASCOBANS
Technical Workshop to Develop Guidelines for Cetacean-friendly Marine Spatial Planning for the ASCOBANS Area 27/06/2023 Concluded ASCOBANS
Workshop to recommend small cetacean conservation objectives in relation to anthropogenic removals - Part 2 16/05/2023 Concluded Germany ASCOBANS
Workshop to recommend small cetacean conservation objectives in relation to anthropogenic removals - Part 1 24/04/2023 Concluded ASCOBANS
ECS-ACCOBAMS-ASCOBANS Workshop: Current cetacean bycatch issues in European waters 17/04/2023 Concluded Spain ACCOBAMS, ASCOBANS
ECS-ASCOBANS Workshop on Scoping the Development of a European Marine Strandings Database 16/04/2023 Concluded Spain ASCOBANS
ASCOBANS-ACCOBAMS Marine Debris Workshop - New and Emerging Aspects 15/04/2023 Concluded Spain ACCOBAMS, ASCOBANS
Second ASCOBANS Workshop on Management of MPAs for Small Cetaceans 31/05/2022 Concluded Finland ASCOBANS
ASCOBANS Workshop on Management of MPAs for Small Cetaceans 18/05/2021 Concluded ASCOBANS
Joint ACCOBAMS and ASCOBANS Workshop on Harmonization of the Best Practices for Necropsy of Cetaceans and for the Development of Diagnostic Frameworks 25/06/2019 Concluded Italy ACCOBAMS, ASCOBANS
Workshop of the ASCOBANS Intersessional Working Group on National Reporting 07/02/2019 Concluded Germany ASCOBANS
Joint ACCOBAMS/ASCOBANS/ECS/SPA-RAC Workshop on Marine Debris and Cetacean Stranding 06/04/2018 Concluded Italy ACCOBAMS, ASCOBANS
ECS/ASCOBANS/ACCOBAMS Best Practice Workshop: Fostering Inter-regional Cooperation in Underwater Noise Monitoring and Impact Assessment in Waters around Europe 29/04/2017 Concluded Denmark ACCOBAMS, ASCOBANS
Expert Workshop 'Unacceptable Interactions' & Bycatch 22/02/2017 Concluded Germany ACCOBAMS, ASCOBANS
ACCOBAMS/ASCOBANS Workshop on Conserving Cetaceans in the Seas around Europe through Synergy-building between the Relevant Legislative Frameworks 12/03/2016 Concluded Portugal ACCOBAMS, ASCOBANS
Workshop on Remote Electronic Monitoring with Regards to Bycatch of Small Cetaceans 02/10/2015 Concluded Netherlands ASCOBANS
--POSTPONED-- Workshop on the Further Development of Management Procedures for Defining the Threshold of ‘Unacceptable Interactions’ / Removals of Concern - Part II 10/09/2015 Postponed Germany ASCOBANS
Workshop on the Further Development of Management Procedures for Defining the Threshold of ‘Unacceptable Interactions’ - Part I: Developing a Shared Understanding on the Use of Thresholds / Environmental Limits 10/07/2015 Concluded United Kingdom ASCOBANS
Expert Workshop on the Requirements of Legislation to Address Monitoring and Mitigation of Small Cetacean Bycatch 21/01/2015 Concluded Germany ASCOBANS
Joint ECS/ASCOBANS/ACCOBAMS Workshop on Introducing Noise into the Marine Environment - What are the Requirements for an Impact Assessment for Marine Mammals? 06/04/2014 Concluded Belgium ACCOBAMS, ASCOBANS
Joint ECS/ASCOBANS/ACCOBAMS Workshop on The challenge of spatially managing cetaceans – a highly mobile animal group 07/04/2013 Concluded Portugal ACCOBAMS, ASCOBANS
ECS/ASCOBANS/WDC Workshop Towards a Conservation Strategy for White-beaked Dolphins in the Northeast Atlantic 06/04/2013 Concluded Portugal ASCOBANS